(From the Patient Participation Group)
Issue No. 9 – November/December 2011
In this issue: New Woodland Medical Practice Website, on-line appointments, opt-out form for summary care records, Christmas closing times, PPG and Practice staff activities, ‘Carers Connect’, and ‘Getting ready for Winter’.
Did you know that the Woodland Practice has a new-look website with useful information about health issues such as arthritis, asthma, diabetes, mental health, children’s illnesses, etc. and links to health charities, the PPG “Blog”, (we need your feedback!) as well as information about the practice, clinics, and staff?
Did you know that you can book appointments on-line by requesting a ‘login’ and ‘password’ from the receptionists? Or that you can cancel appointments by telephone without waiting and going through to ‘option 2’?
Did you know that to opt out of the Summary Care Record, you must fill in a form? (Ask for details at reception.)
Did you know that the Surgery will close for Christmas on Friday December 23rd. at 6.30pm. and will re-open on Wednesday December 28th. at 8 am.? It will close again for New Year on December 30th. at 6.30pm. and open again on January 3nd. 2012.
Did you know that your Patient Participation Group were busy raising money and awareness at the Birchwood Gala/football tournament in July with a book and bric-a-brac stall, where people were able to have their blood pressure taken by one of our GPs? They were also in evidence at the surgery on four Saturday mornings in October offering coffee, tea, and biscuits and PPG information to patients attending for flu jabs. £50 was raised to start a new fund for an air-conditioning unit for the waiting room. The Baby Blanket project continues. A total of 140 blankets have been made and distributed so far!
Did you know that the practice staff were involved in “Jeans for Genes” day on October 7?
Did you know that there is a ‘first stop’ organisation for carers called “Carers Connect” which can put you (the carer) in touch with best people to help in difficult situations? Your GP can refer you, or you can contact them yourself at 01522 812830 or info@carersconnect.net.
Did you know that the practice staff were involved in “Jeans for Genes” day on October 7?
Did you know that there is a ‘first stop’ organisation for carers called “Carers Connect” which can put you (the carer) in touch with best people to help in difficult situations? Your GP can refer you, or you can contact them yourself at 01522 812830 or info@carersconnect.net.
Have you thought about getting ready for Winter? www.direct.gov.uk provides useful information to consider at this time of year. There are lists of things to do to protect your home, e.g. checking that pipes are lagged, ordering heating fuel if needed, knowing where the stop tap is located, and knowing if you are entitled to grants and subsidies for heating and insulation; the ‘well-being’ section includes flu jabs, preventing falls, having appliances serviced, etc.; tips for travelling suggests getting your vehicle ready for winter, keeping up to date on traffic and travel information, weather forecasts, etc. and having emergency kits and supplies in the car. The website also suggests being aware of your community and checking to see who may need help in bad weather, signing up for weather warnings on the Met office website, and getting free flood warnings if necessary.
Our group has been very happy to welcome 2 new members recently and hope there may be more joining us in the New Year. We were very encouraged by your responses at the flu clinics.
The Practice Staff and the Patient Participation Group wish you all a happy and healthy New Year!